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“It’s music like yours…that will be used to define where we are in our movement today for future generations.  What you give to our community now and into the future is something far more important than you realize.” 

-Don Davis, Board of Directors, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force

“…extraordinarily talented…The more you know about (classical) music, the funnier you’ll find the DD, but even complete novices are likely to love it.”

-The Seattle Times”

“A witty amalgam of opera, comedy, cabaret and politics that subverts traditional opera with vastly revised lyrics…Their Carmen is eager to get out of the cigar factory and earn her doctorate.” 

-Ms. Magazine

“One can’t help wishing that the people who’ve swallowed the notion of a vast conspiracy to convert all America to homosexuality…would listen to The Derivative Duo…It’s amazing to think that many right-wingers are sincerely fearful of a ‘takeover’ by people who expend so much energy on the problem of how to tell Mom.” 

-The Willamette Week, Portland, Oregon

“…a cross between Anna Russell and Leontyne Price…with a polished musical delivery, strong harmony and raise-the-roof voices.” 

-The Seattle Gay News

“You find the humanity in all of us and make it funny and true.  Of course, you’ve ruined ‘Casta Diva’ for me but your version is so funny that Bellini and I both forgive you.  I can’t vouch for Maria Callas.” 

-Terrence McNally, playwright and opera aficionado, referring to the Derivative Duo’s song “Pasta Diva”

“Lesbian/Feminist operatic singers who satirize everything and who have the vocal chops to get away with it.” 

-Vancouver Folk Music Festival

“Savagely funny and right on the mark…  Most of the songs center on what it’s like to be gay on a day-to-day basis.  Often bittersweet but rarely tragic, their music plays the comic and poignant elements against each other.”

-The Advocate

“…a delightful thumbnail sketch of the Lesbian community, from our obsessions with therapists to our subjugation by housecats.  The Derivative Duo doesn’t seem to be laughing at us or with us: they are us.” -The Seattle Gay News

“I’ll put my autographed CD next to the tennis ball signed by Martina (Navratilova).  A lesbian Hall of Fame!” 

-Letter from a fan

"Great fun. The 'Gato in the Grotto' song is a favorite with our audience. The cat's meow."

- Brad Eaton, Classic KING-FM, Seattle

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